In return for an honest review of this audiobook, Rise Of The Supreme, I have some promotional copies that I can give away. Just ask me either in the blog comments or Facebook.
I have been working with the widow of the author to get the cover art updated for an audiobook, Rise Of The Supreme, that I produced / narrated. Guess what, the widow painted this, on canvas! If you look closely, you can see the canvas texture. She said that this painting is in the style that the late author would have preferred. Sadly, the author died soon, months after the audiobook was published. The widow has informed me that he got alot of joy collaborating with me in the final year of his life to get this audiobook published.
It was based on another painting, a collaboration between my son Michael and myself. He did the original pencil sketch. Here is the painting that I did most of the work on.
Here is the aforementioned pencil sketch that my son Michael Witt did. He earned $10 out of my wallet for that. It's pretty good for a sketch based on some ideas I threw at him.
And here is the cover art that inspired it all! :)